International Conference Travel Awards

The society offers three awards of up to $1000 each yearly to support conference registration, travel and accommodation to an endocrine-related international meeting.

These awards are open to all members of more than 2 years standing with preference given to applications from Emerging/Mid-Career Researchers and Endocrine Nurses.

To be eligible, the applicant must be a presenting author on a conference abstract describing research conducted at least in part at a New Zealand-based institution.

Applications must be made in advance to the NZSE secretary ( and can be submitted to either of the two rounds with deadlines 1 March and 1 September each year.

Awards will be given at the discretion of the Executive council.

Once awarded an NZSE travel grant (either domestic or international), recipients will not be eligible to submit an application for another NZSE travel grant for a 12 month period.


Applications should adhere to the following formatting guidelines (1 page maximum):

  • Name
  • Postal and email address
  • Occupation and employer
  • Title and authors of abstract to be presented
  • Applicants NZSE membership subscription payment status
  • Purpose of grant
  • Previous awards from NZSE
  • Financial details: (a) total amount sought, and (b) breakdown of costs
  • Other financial support applied for/obtained
  • Contact details for one referee
  • A statement of a brief (half page) report of the activity supported by the travel award will be forwarded to the NZSE Secretary within 1 month of activity completion

This report may be included in the Society newsletter.

Please submit your application to our contact email.